
Archive for March 12th, 2009

As part of his promise to address some of the "slack," our guild leader was again wonderfully badass last night.  As he'd done the night before, he admonished those unable to parse and/or unable to stay out of the twilight fissures that they would be replaced and/or not reinvited for subsequent raids.  He also announced that he'd start posting WWS reports on the guild forums, something that K- and I have always been a bit surprised the guild didn't already do.  You see, despite having class leaders and officers, there hasn't really been any noticeable effort to work on improving those players who are clearly struggling.  I've often wondered, since there hasn't been any sort of public record of "how we did," if the guild's officers really were aware of the issues, other than the very vague "DPS was low" or "raid heals just didn't seem to be there."  Sometimes there were posts on the super-secret officer forums on the morning after a raid; but sometimes there weren't.  Regardless — and this has been my problem with the guild — no one seemed to care.

After the raid, I sent the guild leader the links to the two reports I'd generated in WWS, one for Obsidian Sanctum and one for the bit of Naxx we did.  He posted them to the guild forum this morning, saying "this will help us see how we're doing and who's up to par."

One of the other officers — the one, in fact, that told K- and I that we should leave the guild — objected heartily.  "This is a bs posting embarassing our players," he wrote.  "Who the fuck would post meters on a website.  How will that help.  We're listening to two hardcore players who want to dicate to our guild leader how things are run.  Good luck with that."

K- responded quite eloquently.  (OK, at first he responded with "WTF.  Since when does looking at WWS reports make you hardcore?"  But then he edited his comments.)  He explained, using his own character's information, how he could make some assessments about his spec (he respecced Unholy for OS2D and was amazed with the amount of damage done by Holy Blight), his gear, his rotations, etc.

Another officer — one of the others who wants quite badly to dismiss K- and me as well — also responded saying "class leaders already do this.  Why does the guild need this information.  It's redundant.  And it's an unnecessary source of ridicule."

I'm more than a little shocked by their responses.  (I don't know why.)  Are posting WWS reports really "sources of ridicule?"  Do they really think that their fellow guildmates would look at those reports just to laugh at another person rather than to try to help them improve? (OK, ok, I'm a hypocrite, yes, because I do absolutely ridicule the priest class lead who uses Lesser Heal.  But whatever.  They're my WWS reports.  I'm a hardcore elitist bitch.  We all know that.)  Do they not think that the players could look at this information and figure out for themselves what they should do to improve?  Are they so utterly invested in being mediocre that any call to "work on yer shit" is seen as an attack on the guild's very charter?

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