
Archive for November, 2008

  • I wish I had an AOE.  (3 more levels!) Our guild ran a very bloobie Kara this afternoon, primarily to get some achievements for the death knights (and shadowpriest!) among us who'd never done the zone before.  Two of the raid were 80, and their AOEs made it so I could barely cast a spell on trash mobs before they were dead — let alone let my DoTs tick for any damage.  On bosses, I was fourth on the parse (behind an 80 moonkin, an 80 Blood DK, and a 75 rogue).  On trash, I was last.  QQ
  • I don't mind healing when K- is tanking.  When guildies drag me into zones that with orange- and red-con mobs, have a non-tank-specced-DK tank and then the aggrowhore Moonkin says "Heal me!", I get frustrated.  (Again with the QQ, I know I know).  I was looking at Disc specs, but now I think I'll just stick with being a shitty healer.
  • LOL @ Lonsdale, who for some reason decided to follow Kaleyen and Khæli across the Howling Fjord map ganking us repeatedly.  Better get your shots in now, kiddo.  Because once we can land spells on you (in perhaps 1 or 2 levels), our "/laugh" emote will be over your corpse.  But nice bubble hearth when I trained you to the guards at Westgarde Keep.  And thanks for reminding me that I absolutely have to write a chapter in Khæli's story about why she despises paladins.
  • Only 30ish skill-ups til I get my flying carpet.  Screw the guildies that want me to level to make them bags.  But thanks for the frostweave! *cough*
  • Caution:  Completing the Friend or Fowl achievement turns all neutral mobs hostile.  One very angry turkey followed Kaleyen back to Ebon Hold.  My insisting we do this achievement constitutes Reason 412 why K- gets to be group leader and I get to /follow.
  • This expansion has exceeded all my expectations.  Granted, I say this after questing in one zone and running three instances.  But still.  The number of innovative quests continues to astound me.  (Favorites thus far include the holy bubble that sears through undead in the catacombs near Valgarde and riding the harpoon back to the docks at Valgarde.)  And I really do feel as though the Scourge Invasion, alongside the ongoing lore of the quest series, has helped me immerse myself in WotLK in ways no other MMO expansion has ever managed to do.

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Both Kaleyen and Khæli hit 70 tonight. Hulloooooo Northrend!

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I Slash Command Thee

I have loved macros ever since I learned that I could include some sort
of public shaming alongside my resurrection abilities.  In EQ2, my
dirge had a series of macros for Cacophony of Blades, one of the
class-defining abilities, including the wonderful "/g This group needs
more cowbell! /useability Cacophony of Blades."  Of course, when you
are spamming an ability each time the cooldown is up, even the wittiest
of macros gets old quickly and thus "/g Hit it like you mean it! 
Cacophony of Blades for 14 seconds" gets shortened to "/g COB for 14

The macro system in WoW provides a lot more functionality
than Everquest 2's as you can do more than simply equip/unequip,
announce, or use an ability.  As with my add-ons and UI, I'm constantly
experimenting with different macros in order to enhance my efficiency.

I bring a new macro into my repertoire like this:  First, I notice a
problem.  For example, as K- and I began duoing with the shadowpriest
and DK, I realized that I needed to Power Word: Shield Kaleyen
regularly.  But switching back and forth between a friendly and
unfriendly target was inefficient DPS-wise.  So I look for a macro to streamline my clicks (gasp!).  To follow up on this example, then, as I noted before, I
created this macro and bound it to Button 3 on my mouse:

/cast [help][target=targettarget, help][target=player] Power Word: Shield

problem I'm toying with now concerns abolishing disease and dispelling
magic.  I'll be the first to admit that I veer towards OCD when it
comes from removing debuffs from those in my group or raid, and so I
need to get my macros situated for this as soon as possible.  Because
while I know my DPS suffers when I hit Dispel Magic, intending to cure
Kaleyen and instead get the error message "Nothing to be dispelled" on
my DPS target, my concern here is (sadly) less the detriment to my DPS
than it is the knowledge that I'm not curing fast enough.

So I
did some poking around on various forums and websites today to come up
with some ideas for macros for Dispel Magic and Cure Disease. 

/cast [modifier:alt,target=player] [target=mouseover, help] [target=target, help][target=targettarget, help] Abolish Disease

/cast [modifier:alt,target=player][target=mouseover, help][target=target, help][target=targettarget, help][] Dispel Magic

I also found these macros that I might implement as well:

To send my Shadowfiend out when I have a friendly target, rather than a DPS one:
#showtooltip Shadowfiend
/cast [harm,nodead][target=targettarget,harm,nodead]Shadowfiend
To case POM on my target's target:
/cast [help][target=targettarget,help] Prayer of Mending

I need to get one now for Shackle Undead, a spell whose usefulness I only just realized in PVP against DKs.

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ETA on Dual Specs?


… which in my mind can't come soon enough.

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What is it with the names people have chosen for their death knights?!  A simple /who death knight on my server includes the following:


Is it really that hard to come up with a name for one's toon that
doesn't involve "dark" or "death" or "knight"?  I admit, I chuckle
sometimes at the names of Tauren Druids — "Bullshifter" comes to mind. 
But these DK names just make me /sigh.

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Khæli was certain that onlookers would think it was a prisoner
transfer.  She stood, head bowed, hands clasped before her, as the
emissary from the Stormwind Orphanage put her in the custody of the
tall Night Elf that greeted them on the docks of Ru'theran Village. 
"Watch out for this one.  She seethes with shadow," said the emissary
as he turned abrubtly and embarked on the boat back to the Eastern
Kingdoms.  "Hmm," responded the elf.  "Follow me," he barked.  Even
with her eyes lowered, Khæli could see that her surroundings had
changed to the grey stone of Stormwind to the lush green of her
homeland, and the color gave her solace.

The night elf led Khæli through the winding paths of Darnassus.  The
city was much quieter than Stormwind, and despite her trepidations of
what would come, Khæli felt serene.  "Seethes with the shadow," she
muttered to herself.  "Perhaps they were the ones keeping me from the
light."  Khæli followed the night elf into a secluded garden and before
her stood the three imposing figures.  Khæli was relieved to have kept
her demure semblance and as she had strong suspicions as to who these
figures were, bowed before them.

"Welcome home, Khæli," said the male of the three.  The two others nodded in agreement.

"Do you know who we are?" asked one of the women.

"I think so, aye," said Khæli, lifting her eyes to meet theirs.  "Arch
Druid Fandral Staghelm.  High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind.  Sentinel
Elanaria,"  Khæli bowed her head to each in turn. "I am humbled that
you are here to greet me on my return."  Having been pinned as a rude
troublemaker with the humans, she was eager to endear herself to her
own people, particularly to these great leaders.

As though she'd read Khæli's mind, the High Priestess spoke, "Such a
different child than the reports we received.  But do not fret, Khæli. 
Humans always fail to comprehend our ways.  And we are not here to
judge you.  Not now at least.  We are hear for you to judge yourself."

"Khæli, what do you know?  What do you want to know?  Who are you?  Who
will you be?" the Arch Druid rattled off these questions in rapid fire.

Khæli gulped, unsure to respond to the immensity of the inquiry.  "Well, I can read and write.  And sew.  A bit. And…"

Elanaria cut her off.  "Bah, that is not what we want to know.  We care
not for your skills with needle and thread or pen and paper.  Think
bigger, child.  Think bolder.  Who are you?  Who will you be?" 

Elanaria stepped toward Khæli and unsheathed her sword.  The sunlight
gleamed on the metal, and as Elanaria spun and sliced the air, the
sword itself began to emanate its own lightforce.  "Does the blade
speak to you, child?  Will you choose the path of the warrior and lead
your people in battle?  Or, with the prediliction for the shadow we
hear about you, will you choose the path of the rogue and wield the
blade with stealth?"

"Or do you hear the calling of the wild?" asked the druid, bending down
and grabbing a handful of the earth from the garden.  In his hands, the
soil began to spin like a miniature whirlwind.  "Will you learn to
harness the shifting sands, the moonfire, the rage of bear, the claws
of cat, the feathers of flight, the rejuvenation of tree?  Will you
choose the path of the druid?"

Tyrande moved forward and placed both her hands over Khæli's heart. 
Drawing back her right hand, a stream of white energy arced from
Khæli's chest.  Drawing back her left, a smoky purple haze.  Tyrande
stood before Khæli with her arms outstretched, the white and purple now
orbs spinning above her hands.  Even before Tyrande spoke, Khæli knew
how she would respond.  The High Priestess had pulled the energy from
within Khæli–forces Khæli knew had been inside her–and had harnessed
it somehow–a feat that Khæli had always longed for.  "Or do you will
you walk the way of the spirit?" asked the priestess.  "Will you be a
discipline of the holy or the shadow?"

The words had barely left Tyrande's lips before Khæli responded.  Finally, her destiny in her own hands.  Finally, a choice.

"Yes, I will be a priest."

● ● ●

Chapter 1:  The Unweaving
Chapter 2:  Telling/Threads
Chapter 3:  A Proclamation–From the Dark

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With the LFG channel in the Outlands overrun with DKs, it made sense
that K- and I advertise ourselves as "tank and healer LF3DPS." 

are hard to come by.  So rather than waiting around for one to join us,
I offered to heal on Friday night (much to K-'s relief), and spent much of the weekend in instances as the healer (and only non-DK). I didn't respec as I figured
that the spellpower changes afforded me enough +Healing to manage.  And
manage I did. 

It wasn't always easy, particularly when the other DKs in the group played without any awareness of their aggro or damage-intake.  (One commented, "thank god for Circle of Healing." 
LOL)  But controlling the two key spots for a dungeon run — the tank
and the healer — allowed K- and I to be a bit more choosy with the
rest of the group.  We booted someone, for example, who repeatedly
deathgripped K-'s target.  "Heal me!" demanded one DK.  "Don't get
hit," I retorted.  "L2Bandage," I told another.

Even though I have succumbed to healing in 5-mans, I am going to try to
stay shadow for raiding.  And when the dual-spec option goes live, I'll
be Disc, not Holy, as the shielding works very well with the
deathknight's avoidance tanking.  But until then, I'll just switch out
of shadowform right before I get to the summoning stone, and hope no
one notices when I hit Dispersion mid-battle to regen my mana.

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I'm pretty pleased with all K- and I accomplished this weekend.  Khæli is level 68; Kaleyen is 67.  Our tradeskills, while not maxxed, were high enough for us to pop into Howling Fjord to get to Grand Master in all four of our professions:


Needless to say, I'm exhausted, so halfassed-blog-update-with-graphics-FTL.  I healed this weekend, and yeah, I have more to say on that subject, but it'll have to wait…

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