
Posts Tagged ‘Druids’


While by no means does Khaeli have "best in slot" for all her gear, I
do feel as though I'm at a point where, quite soon, I'll be able to
really focus on leveling another toon to 80.  She's one day away from
Revered with the Sons of Hodir, and probably ten days or so worth of
casual play to hit Revered with the Oracles and Exalted with the
Knights of the Ebon Blade (the only remaining tabard she needs to
sport).  Her tailoring is at 447, and she's at max enchanting.  OK, so
she doesn't cook or fish, but Khrii has those tasks covered, and I'm
not sure I see the point of leveling those secondary professions on
another toon.

So, the question becomes, what to do next?

I have four toons to work on:


The druid is currently 72, and I really only log into her to do the
cooking daily.  She's level capped for herbalism, and at 435 for
alchemy.  I should, at the least, level her to 77 for Cold Weather
Flying so that she's better at gathering herbs.  I'm having to spend
too much coin right now to get the herbs out of her "reach."  Right
now, Khrii is specced Balance and although I really did enjoy
tree-healing in TBC, I'm rather unenthused about playing the druid.


The shaman is 53.  Our guild currently has an army of Holy Priests and
Paladins, and while we have several really great shamans they excel at
DPS and I can tell they're loathe to spec resto.  I find the shaman a
fun class to play, and as I'm stunned by the inability of some people
to grasp the concept of the "raid healing assignment," I feel as though
the guild would really benefit from having a resto shaman.  I don't
want to bench Khaeli, but I don't want to be strong-armed into speccing
Holy merely because some of our healers can't group/raid heal. 


The warlock is level 9.  Recently, K- and I decided we'd make twinks
and are aiming at the 39 bracket.  But there's something about slogging
through levels 1-20 that makes Khai and her partner in crime, Krieos
the rogue remain at level 9.  Khai does have the heirloom shoulders and
an underworld band.  But alas, she doesn't even have any talent points


On Saturday night, after a wretched night of Mal25fail, K- and I made
Undead DK alts on a different server and did the first few quests in
the starter zone.  Although like most folks, I had already done this once, it
made all the difference to have K- with me, explaining the talents and
ability-rotations.  So on Sunday morning, I made a NE DK on Kirin Tor,
and I blew through the quests with her.  God, what a fun class!  She's
only 58 now, and I'm focused at the moment on sending her around the
Old World to level herbalism/inscription.  But her hearthstone is set
at Honor Hold, and she's ready to rumble.

The main problem for me leveling an alt is that I find myself utterly
unmotivated to play without K-.  His hunter, Kinolas, is around Khrii's
level, but much like my feelings for the druid, he's not too keen to
play that toon.  I'd love to power-level him a paladin to join the
shaman or DK in the Outlands and Northrend, but he insists on playing
Night Elves.  So I'm just not sure which toon (if any) is "next."

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